5 Tips to Help Kids Organize Their Things

If you want to help your kids organize their things, first make sure you both have plenty of time, full stomachs & are well-rested.

  1. Start small: pick one drawer, one corner or one area
  2. Be on their team: “I want to help you organize your… so that you will be able to find your things easier”
  3. Give advanced notice because some kids need time before they are ready to make a change.
  4. Ask lots of questions: “What do you love more?” “Which one is the best?” “Can we give this to someone else?” Always find a way to be positive about what you are saying.
  5. Explain the rules and what you are working towards or trying to accomplish. You could say, “we are going through your papers so that they will be able to fit in this folder/desk/box.” Or “We need your drawers to close easily so let’s pick your 10 favorite shirts/pants/skirts to keep.”

How do you get your kids on board with organizing?