A Professional Organizer is a specialist with the goal of decluttering, organizing, and creating long-term systems and solutions that practically maintain function, order, and clarity.  Having a professional with you will increase your efficiency and save time and energy.

If you are feeling overwhelmed and don’t know where to start a I can help simplify, encourage and show you the steps necessary the help you get organized in a non-judgmental way.  I love to organize and enjoy guiding you on your own organizational journey.

For most clients, I say, “Do nothing.”  Easy! If we’re going to be going through clothes or a closet with clothes then make sure everything is washed so that we can have everything in one place.

There is not.  Each space is different, and each person’s needs are different.  And all those things can change over time as family dynamics and lifestyles evolve.  I tailor each organizing solution or system to each client’s unique needs.

It’s not required but it is preferred.  I’m going to have a lot of questions for you and you’ll need to be the one making decisions on what goes and what stays so it’s best to be present during the process.

 I do virtual sessions over Zoom or Skype.  During the session, I’ll walk you through the organizing process.  You’ll empty the space, declutter, and put things into categories. We’ll talk through your needs and decide how to put things back into your space as efficiently and organized as possible.  We’ll end with any other questions you might have for me.

I strive to create a safe space while helping you take the emotional step back to really figure out what you want to keep in your space.  We will discuss your vision for the space and then I work with you to declutter and create order and systems unique to your personal needs.  

I will ask you “Why?”  Not because I am passing judgment, but to encourage you to really unpack why you are keeping the things that you are keeping.

I encourage you to declutter but don’t force you to throw away anything.  Remember I work for you. We will declutter according to your comfort level.  Everyone is different; you may not keep the things I choose to keep and vice versa, and that’s OK.  That is a decision only you can make.  I’m here to help you take a step back and really think about why you are keeping these items and how they will benefit you.

Each space and person is unique so the amount of time needed for each project is unique.  Some people work quickly, while others need more time. I will work as quickly or as slowly as you need.  I book most sessions with clients for 2-4 hours with additional sessions as needed.

Click on the “Book a Consultation” link.  Let us know the areas in which you would like assistance and the things you’ve been struggling with within that space.  I’ll contact you to find out more specifics and do a consolation over the phone or in your home, whichever works best for you.

I will take as much as will fit in my van to the charity of your choice or other groups in the community who would be interested in those items.  

I do not sell items for clients, but I can give you suggestions and tips if you’re interested in selling your own items.