Common Barrier to Simplification: Gifts

Items that were given to you by someone else can sometimes be hard to declutter.  Especially if that person is important to you. Don’t get me wrong, I have things that have no value except for the memory, but I also don’t keep everything that anyone has given me.  You have to find that balance for yourself and give yourself permission to let things go.

Try asking yourself these questions to help you analyze your item without any outside pressures:

Do I like this?

Is it my style/color?

If I didn’t own this would I buy it?

Have I used it since it was given to me?

Is there someone else who would love this more than I do?

You can’t and shouldn’t keep everything that has been given to you.  So don’t feel guilty for giving the stuff away that you don’t want. I’m giving you permission to ‘let it go’.

What do you do when you receive something that you don’t love from a loved one?