6 Benefits of Being Organized

1. More Time: If you have less then you spend less time cleaning and caring for stuff.  And therefore you have more time for fun, freedom, and joy.  Think about it.  If you had half of the number of clothes you’d have to do half as much laundry.  Who else wants to do half as much laundry?

2. More Money:  Instead of spending money on buying things, storing things, or caring for things that you don’t like or use you can keep that money and use it for something that is really important to you.  When you need less, then you can use your money in better ways for you.

**I’m not telling you how to spend your money.  I just want you to make sure that you are buying things that will add value to your life, not just because you were bored or everyone else is buying one.**

3. Less Overwhelming & Less Stress:  Once you take care of the backlog of clutter, it is much easier to deal with the smaller clutter generated each day.  Make a home for everything and then start creating the habits to maintain your organized space.

4. More Space:  This one is pretty simple if you have less stuff you have more space.

5. Less Mental Clutter:  This is not a problem for everyone, but it is for me.  When my space is messy I feel like everything is ‘yelling’ at me.  Anyone else?  I feel like I’m a computer screen with ‘tabs’ open for each thing in the room that needs to be done or put away.  The more ‘tabs’ I close or take care of, the more energy I have for other things like my family.

6. More Creativity and Productivity: People don’t always believe this one, but it’s true.  When your space is clean you have fewer ‘mental tabs’ open and your brain can spend more time imagining and focusing on what’s important.  It’s so much easier to find what you need when everything has a home and you don’t have to stop your momentum by searching for something.

Be intentional about what you bring into your home.  Make homes for the things you love and value, and get rid of the rest. What benefits do you experience from being organized?