Organizing a Garage to Move

I know it doesn’t look like much.  It certainly doesn’t look like the normal Insta worthy photos. But this represents 6 hours of hard work, and now packing the rest of the house to move will be much easier.

When you’re overwhelmed and don’t know where to start it’s best to take small bites out of the project

My client has had some surgeries and things had been piling up that she wasn’t able to take care of.  We were able to get her things boxed and stacked nicely.   She filled the back of my van with donations and was able to sort through a ton of stuff. Now she won’t have to pay to move stuff that she doesn’t want. She now has a bunch of empty containers and moving boxes stacked nicely for when she packs the rest of the house.

Starting is always the hardest part. But once you can clear one space it makes it easier to get the rest taken care of.

If you want one-on-one help organizing a space, call me at 208.736.3306 for a free consultation.  I’d love to help you on your organizational journey.

#OrganizingWithKidz #OrganizeGarage