Organizing Hidden Clutter

While visual clutter can be, well, in your face.  You also need to go through the hidden clutter in your house.  It might even be easier to go through because you don’t usually access it or need it.  Open that closet, cupboard, or drawer and take everything out.  Go through what’s in there.  If you haven’t used it in the past year you can probably donate it.

You’ll be surprised at how easy it is to clear the clutter in those places.  Especially in the back of drawers, under sinks, and the back of closets.  Because, surprise, you don’t use that stuff.

This client’s drawer was full to the top, but when we went through it she kept maybe 10% of what was originally there.  The magnets were added later because the drawer was so empty.

If you want one-on-one help organizing a space, call me at 208.736.3306 for a free consultation.  I’d love to help you on your organizational journey.  Virtual options are also available.