Donations to Santa

Before Christmas presents invade your house next week, take some time with your kids and clear out some of the old toys. Go through and see which toys they don’t play with anymore.  Give a bag of donations to “Santa” so he can take them, and give them to other kids who will love them.  You can “take them to Santa” or leave them under the tree and he can pick them up on Christmas Eve when he comes by.

This promotes generosity and gratitude in our children. Remind your kids, “We had lots of fun with this toy, but we don’t use it very much anymore.  Let’s give it to Santa, or (someone you know), or to kids who don’t have as much. You can take them to Thrift Stores, a Specific Charity, a Homeless Shelter, or a Refugee Program, etc.).  It doesn’t have to be new or nicely packaged for a child to enjoy a fun toy.