Ditch the Packaging

Many times the best way to reduce clutter in a pantry is to ditch the packaging.  Look at how much space these containers for drink mixes take up.  When in reality, they hardly need any room at all.

Anything that is individually packaged can be taken out of larger boxes and stored in more efficient ways.  We chose to keep our drink mixes in a ziplock bag because we don’t want easy access or our kids eat them like giant pixie sticks.  Using containers with different sections to group things can be helpful but not necessary.

Go take a walk through your pantry.  Do you have boxes that are now half full?.  Do you have packaging or bags that are adding to visual clutter?  Just taking out the extra bulk will make your pantry feel so much nicer.

If you want one-on-one help organizing a space, call me at 208.736.3306 for a free consultation.  I’d love to help you on your organizational journey.  Virtual options are also available.