Evaluate your Clothes

As the weather gets warmer and we transition to summer clothing make sure to evaluate your winter clothes before you pack them up.

It’s easy to look at your clothes from a place of scarcity.  “If I give this away then I won’t have enough clothes to wear.”  But that’s your inner pack-rat speaking.  Don’t worry, we all have one.  Comment below about what your inner pack-rat tells you.

Evaluate your clothing
Evaluate your Clothing

In reality, you probably have plenty of clothes.  I’m sure you’ve heard the statistic that you only wear 20% of your clothes.  You probably have clothes that you never wear.  The color’s wrong, the fit is wrong, the fabric isn’t comfortable, it needs to be mended, it’s out of style, whatever.  Having a closet full of clothes that you don’t wear is limiting AND depressing.  So get rid of those extra clothes.

I tried it. 

I went through my evaluated what was in my closet and was ruthless with the clothes that I didn’t love.  And guess what, I still had enough clothes to wear every day without the fuss of looking through stuff it didn’t like.  It was so nice to walk into my closet every morning and like everything that I saw.  It made getting dressed every morning easy.

If you need new clothes in the future you can find them.  If you want to drop a size, save a few goal pieces and ditch the rest.  You’ll want to reward yourself with clothes that are in style anyway.

Remember: Sometimes you have to evaluate your clothes a couple of times to get down to the ones you really love.  It’s normal to organize in layers.

Read more about organizing clothes A Simple Way to Hang Pants and Skirts and Having Trouble Deciding What to Give Away?.

If you want one-on-one help organizing a space, call me at 208.736.3306 for a free consultation.  I’d love to help you on your organizational journey.  Virtual options are also available