Stuff Keeps getting Messy

If you have organized a place over and over again, but it keeps getting messy, then your problem is probably too much stuff.  The same thing applies when you think you don’t have enough storage space in your home.  You need to edit and declutter what you have in that space if you want to have an easier time maintaining order.

It’s just plain physics. The less mass you have in a certain place, the more extra room you have to work with.

Closet: before
Closet: before

Many times we get hung up on the fact that ‘it’s still useful.’  Yes, it is still useful, but are you using it or is it just falling out of the closet and getting shoved back in?  Just because it’s useful doesn’t mean you have to keep it.  Donating that item is giving it the best chance of actually getting used.

The way you think about things can affect how you declutter.  Are you functioning from a place of scarcity by thinking “I’ll save it just in case” & “What if I need this later?”  Just let it go.  If you really need it, you can get it in the future.

Closet: after
Closet: after

Pick Your Number Ahead of Time

I find that the best way to decide how much of something I need is to decide ahead of time what my number is.  For example:

  • We will keep two sets of sheets per bed.  
  • I only need three hand towels per bathroom. 
  • I want to keep three coats per person.  

Whatever you decide the number is, stick to it.  Now it’s so easy to pick the best ones to keep, and anything else can be donated.  You can read more about organizing closets Use It or Lose It, Having Trouble Deciding What to Give Away?, and What’s on the Floor of Your Closet.

If you want one-on-one help organizing a space, call Colleen at 208.736.3306 for a free consultation.  I’d love to help you on your organizational journey.  Virtual options are also available.