Do you Actually Need That?

Sometimes you have such a great way of organizing something, that you don’t stop to think about whether you actually need that thing you’ve organized.  Please tell me I’m not alone.  What have you organized that you now realize should have been donated instead?

There have been many times when I’ve been trying to figure out how to store something when in reality it doesn’t need to be stored at all, just donated.

That was the case with this client.  They had an amazing organizing system for their hundreds of VHS tapes and DVDs.  The shelves were categorized, easy to use, and out of the way.  Unfortunately,  they don’t watch VHS tapes anymore and hardly watch DVDs.  So we kept the DVDs they did want (about 20), and donated the rest.

It’s very important to take the time to consider whether or not we want to keep holding onto something.  Just because we have a place to put something doesn’t mean we have to keep it. You can read more about a decluttering mindset Scarcity vs. Abundance Mindset when Organizing, Make Space for the Things That Are Important to You, and The Most Important Question to Ask Yourself while Organizing.

If you want one-on-one help organizing a space, call Colleen at 208.736.3306 for a free consultation.  I’d love to help you on your organizational journey.  Virtual options are also available.