Linen Closet Refresh

Linen closets need to work for you.  But this closet had gotten out of control.  We categorized, folded, organized, and labeled so that, in the future, this area could stay organized longer or be re-organized quickly.  It’s easier if you maintain your space, but every so often a space just needs a quick tidy to get it looking nice again.


There are a lot of different ways you can sort sheets.  You can keep them together as a set or by size and style (flat together, fitted together, pillowcases).  You can store them in the room with the bed they fit on (in the closet or under the bed) or in a linen closet close by.  This client wanted them sorted by size and style in the linen closet.  The sheets for the kids’ beds were separated from the sheets for the adults and put on a lower shelf. 

Bottom of Linen Closet: Before & After
Bottom of Linen Closet: Before & After

We kept the adults’ things up higher and moved the kids’ things down low so they can be responsible for them.  Diapers had been in a couple of different locations in the house, and now they all fit them in the lower part of the closet.  Now they know if they’re running out of diapers.

Games and Extras

We put the games at the very top so that kids would need to get approval from Mom before they were played with.  We also used a simple cardboard box to hold all of their extra soaps, shampoos, lotions, etc.  Now the kids can’t access it, but it’s easy for parents to pull the box out and get what they need.

Acrylic Shelf Dividers
Acrylic Shelf Dividers

We could have put in acrylic shelf dividers from Amazon to help separate the sheets or towels. Unfortunately, the reviews are mixed about how long they last.  And with young kids, who tend toward the destructive (like my own kids), we decided to wait on those for now.

Finally, we moved the kids’ boxes with toothbrushes, etc. down low so they can reach them without help from mom. Our main goal was to limit the number of things that the kids had access to.  Now they can get to their stuff and the towels, which are easy to fold and put back if they get messed up. You can read more about organizing closets at Organizing Closets and Use It or Lose It.

If you want one-on-one help organizing a space, call Colleen at 208.736.3306 for a free consultation.  I’d love to help you on your organizational journey.  Virtual options are also available.