Outside Toys

Kids end up accumulating so many toys.  And every so often it’s good to go through and edit out the outside toys that are being played with from the ones that aren’t.  Especially with Christmas right around the corner.

First, we gathered all the toys on the back porch and sorted them into categories.  We packed up some of the larger toys to save in the shed for summer and tossed anything that was broken.  Next, we went through the toys and thinned down the total number in each category.  Now they only have the toys out that they really love and play with.

Sometimes the best way to edit what we have is to allow the space to dictate how much will stay.  The best things get put on the shelf first, and so on until the shelves are full.  Whatever is left gets donated.  This client wanted to only use two shelves on the back porch so we only kept what would comfortably fit on those shelves.  The rest got packed up or donated.

 Outside Toy Shelves: Before & After
Outside Toy Shelves: Before & After

Read more about organizing toys at Organizing Papers and Toys with an 8-year-old and 5 Tips to Help Kids Organize Their Things.  If you want one-on-one help organizing a space, call Colleen at 208.736.3306 for a free consultation.  I’d love to help you on your organizational journey.  Virtual options are also available.