A Simple Way to Hang Pants and Skirts: so they always look nice

When you hang pants or skirts in a closet, it’s really nice to have matching hangers, but that kind of expense isn’t always in the budget.

Here is what you need to do:

1. Line up the outside edge of the garment with the end of the hanger

2. Arrange the rest of the garment so it his held strait & tight

3. If there is extra in the back you can leave it be or fold it over

And that’s it.  An easy way to keep things straight and looking uniform without spending a ton of money.  If you wanted to you could also group things by color, style or season.

What do you do to help keep your closet looking nice, besides hanging up the clothes from the floor?

Remember also to donate those items that you don’t wear anymore.

If you want one-on-one help organizing a space, call me at 208.736.3306 for a free consultation.  I’d love to help you on your organizational journey.

#OrganizingWithKidz #OrganizeCloset