Scarcity vs. Abundance Mindset when Organizing

You can have an abundant mindset without having a lot of stuff. Our emotions often affect how we look at our things while we’re trying to declutter.  We tell ourselves all sorts of stories.  “That’s useful, so I must need it.”  “That’s expensive, so it has value to me.”  “Someone else liked this, so I should too.”

Scarcity Mindse vs. Abundance Mindset when Organizing
Scarcity Mindse vs. Abundance Mindset when Organizing

Scarcity Mindset

Having a Scarcity Mindset while decluttering allows doubts to derail your project.  “What if I need this later?”  “What if I gain/lose weight?”  “Will I survive without this?” Holding on to things ‘just in case’ is not always a good reason to keep something.  When you donate to thrift stores those items get a chance to be used.

Abundance Mindset

Having an Abundance Mindset while decluttering allows room for possibility.  If I need this later, I can find it, buy it, or thrive without it.”  “I’ll let someone else use this since I’m not using it now.”    It’s better to have something be used than to have it sit in a corner gathering dust.

Helpful Tip:

If you don’t use this currently, but can get it in ‘less than two days, for under $20,’ then donate it.  Let go of the weight of “what if..”  and make use of the space and things you use and need right now.

I’m not encouraging you to be careless or wasteful.   I merely want you to think about WHY you are keeping the things you choose to keep. You can read more about mindset The Most Important Question to Ask Yourself While Organizing, But I Spent Good Money On It, Common Barrier to Simplification: Gifts, and Make Space for the Things that Are Important to You.

If you want one-on-one help organizing a space, call me at 208.736.3306 for a free consultation.  I’d love to help you on your organizational journey.  Virtual options are also available.