Bring it Forward

When we have things on shelves or in cupboards the best thing you can do is bring them forward.   Lining everything up at the front of your shelves, just like libraries and grocery stores do, will make your space prettier.

Have you ever bought something only to come home and find that you already have tons of that thing?  You just didn’t know where it all was.  This client had trouble remembering what spices they had and what they still needed.  We combined the many small containers into one large container.

By pulling everything to the front, it’s easy to see what they have.  Overflow spices or spices that are used rarely can be put behind the larger containers.  We also grouped the spices for grilling and making jerky, so that everything is in one place and easy to grab.  

Spice Cupboard: After
Spice Cupboard: After

At the top, we used labels to help remind everyone in the house what is in each row.  Having this spice cupboard organized will cut down on unnecessary duplicates and cut down on searching for the needed spices when cooking. Also, when we bring things forward it keeps us from trying to stuff our cupboards full.

You can read more about organizing spices at Organizing Baking Supplies and Vertical Space. If you want one-on-one help organizing a space, call Colleen at 208.736.3306 for a free consultation.  I’d love to help you on your organizational journey.  Virtual options are also available.