Do you have a Chair-drobe?

Have you ever heard of the term chair-drobe?  It’s when you only wore that shirt for a couple of hours and it’s still pretty much clean, but not quite enough to be put back into the closet with the truly clean clothes. So you set it on the back of a chair, your chair-drobe.

Do you set your clothes on the chair instead of hanging them up in the closet?  That's a chair-drobe.

One way to change habits is to make it inconvenient to continue the habit.   Look at your problem area.  If clothes keep getting put on a chair try moving that chair out of your room for a month.  Or set something pretty or delicate like a plant in that spot to discourage the accumulation of clothes in that location.  Try it and see if that helps you create new habits.

You can also try to make staying organized more convenient.  Add hooks, and free up space in a drawer, a shelf, or part of your closet so that you can create a permanent home for ‘lightly used’ clothing.

How do you make it more convenient to stay tidy and/or make it harder to be cluttered? Check out more ways to organize clothes by reading Having Trouble Deciding What to Give Away? and Saving Something Might be Wasting It.

If you want one-on-one help organizing a space, call me at 208.736.3306 for a free consultation.  I’d love to help you on your organizational journey.