MicroDeclutter One Counter

It’s amazing how good it feels to clear off one counter!  I worked with this client on just the counter and the upper cupboards and there is such a difference.  (Sorry about the poor quality after pic.)  We designated spaces for Art & Craft Supplies, Stationary, & Games in the upper cupboards. And we were able to find new homes for everything by using the space more efficiently.

Anything on a counter has the potential to increase the visual clutter in a space. So it’s important to make sure that you are being mindful of what is on it.  Obviously, there will be things that have to stay, for one reason or another, but probably not everything.

Your Counter Challenge:

Look around your house and find one counter that you can clear off.  Either donate the items, put them where they go, or rehome them to a more permanent location.  Post the photo of your clean counter in the comments or comment on how it feels.

You can learn more about Micro Decluttering if you read Pre-Christmas Micro Declutter and Spring Organizing Bingo. If you want one-on-one help organizing a space, call me at 208.736.3306 for a free consultation.  I’d love to help you on your organizational journey.