Organizing Electronic Cords

Everyone seems to have a box of electronic cords.  No one knows what they go to, but we’ll save them just in case.  Well, over time that box gets bigger and bigger and eventually, you need to bite the bullet and deal with what’s in it.

Electrical Cords Before

Step 1: Gather

Grab the random cords that have been shoved in the drawer, left in the room, set by the computer, and forgotten in the car.  This is a very important step.  You don’t want to keep sorting cords that you find weeks later.

Step 2: Sort

This can and should be a group effort.  Go through every cord.  What does this go to?  Do we still own this electronic device?  Do we have unnecessary duplicates?  If you don’t know what it goes to try plugging it into stuff.  Work together to identify what each cord goes to.

Electrical Cords After

Step 3: Purge & Label

Donate those cords that you no longer need.  Label the cords you do need and keep them in a location that makes sense for how often you need access to them. Labels can be as simple as writing on masking tape.  I keep a plastic sandwich bag in my desk for cords I need often and then a box in our laundry room for cords I don’t need very often.  I also try to keep cords and devices together when that makes sense.

**Pro Tip:  I try to label electronic cords the day they come into my house.  Then even if I don’t use them I know what they go to.

How do you manage cords in your house?

Read more about organizing your office Organizing Your Home Office and Declutter Financial Papers.

If you want one-on-one help organizing a space, call me at 208.736.3306 for a free consultation.  I’d love to help you on your organizational journey.  Virtual options are also available.