Having Trouble Deciding What to Give Away?

I’ve done this. I get it!  Why do we hate something until we are trying to give it away?

It can be a scarcity mentality or the nagging feeling of, “what if I need it?”  But whatever the reason there are steps you can take to minimize the doubts.

First I suggest monitoring the clothing that you are actually wearing.  You can turn your hangers around so they are backward. Clothes that are worn get hung up the normal way. Any hangers that aren’t turned back to normal by the end of the season are clothes that you didn’t wear.

Or you can put clean laundry away on one side of a closet or at the bottom of the pile or at the back of a drawer.  That way you can rotate through your clothes and the ones you don’t love will end up all together.

Next, sort your clothes by season, style, and color.  Then you can visually see:  Wow, I must like white blazers.  Or I didn’t realize how many nude shoes I had. Once you see what is in each category you may find it is easier to give things away.

Finally, you can pick a number for how many you need in each category.  How many black t-shirts do I really need?  If that number is 10, then pick your 10 favorites and donate the rest.  Those are the only ones you really like wearing, so there is no reason to keep the rest.

Call me at 208.736.3306 for a free consultation.  I’d love to help you on your organizational journey.