Declutter Challenge: Can I give away just one more thing?

I know it’s easy to look around and say, “We have so much stuff because of my kids/partner/roommate.”   But the truth is that we all have plenty of our own stuff that is contributing to the overall clutter of our homes. So I want to challenge you to see if this week you can give away just one more thing.  And there is only one rule.  You can only look at and declutter YOUR stuff.

Ideas on where/what to declutter:

  • Something Red
  • A Book
  • One shirt or item of clothing
  • One seasonal clothing item
  • One utensil or dish in the kitchen
  • One glass or mug
  • One water bottle or coffee container
  • Something from your car
  • Something from your office or office space
  • Something from every room in your house
  • One thing in/on your nightstand
  • One photo off your camera roll
  • A pair of shoes
  • One piece of jewelry
  • Use up or donate on pantry item
  • Shred or recycle one piece of paper

You obviously don’t have to do something from each category.  It’s meant to be fun and get you motivated to organize.  Hopefully, this challenge will help you look at your things in a different way.

I was shocked at how much I was able to gather in such a short time.  Please, let us know what you found to declutter.  Send us pictures and help inspire others to give away just one more thing.

If you want one-on-one help organizing a space, call me at 208.736.3306 for a free consultation.  I’d love to help you on your organizational journey.  Virtual options are also available.