What to Do with Kids Art

Some kids love drawing and others don’t.  Some kids feel like every scribble on a piece of paper is a masterpiece and others don’t care.  So what do you do with all your kid’s art and “precious” drawings?

Kid’s Art

What I do with my kid’s art:

1. I acknowledge their work and celebrate their accomplishment.

2. I ask them what they want to do with it.  Do you want a photo taken of it?  Should we display it?  Can we recycle it?  **Don’t forget this step! ** If the kid doesn’t care then you simplify the rest of the process.  Sometimes they just want the acknowledgment and don’t need the paper itself.

*If I really love the art then, I take a picture and include it in their photo books.  Then if it gets ruined while on display it doesn’t really matter.

3. If they want it displayed, then you can put it up somewhere.  There are so many cute ways to display art: on the fridge, a string with clothespins, corkboard, tape it to the wall, whatever.  As long as it’s a non-permanent way that still gives it a place of honor.

Kid's Art
Kid’s Art: Potato People

Set Boundaries with Kid’s Art

Let your child know what the boundaries are for the display area.  For instance: We will only keep 5 papers on at one time.  Or we will go through the papers once a week.  Papers can only be hung in one area.  When it falls off, we will recycle it.  Whatever you decide for your family is great.

We’ve tried a lot of different things over the years.  For us, the easiest way to display the kid’s art is to just stick it to the wall with tape.  I know it’s not pretty, but it’s also not permanent.  It also doesn’t last forever which is what I want.  (Don’t tell my kids that though.)  Once the tape stops sticking to the wall or the paper gets ripped then it’s easy to recycle it and make room for new art.  I also stipulate that the kid’s art may only hang in their own room.

What do you do with your kid’s art?  What tricks have worked for you and your family?

If you’re interested you can check out my posts about How I organize with an 8 year old and 5 Tips to Help Kids Organize their Things.

If you want one-on-one help organizing a space, call me at 208.736.3306 for a free consultation.  I’d love to help you on your organizational journey.  Virtual options are also available.