Do you Want More Storage Space?

Do you want more storage space? Maybe it is true that you have no storage, but take a minute and try looking at the storage areas you do have with new eyes.  Maybe you’re cluttering up valuable real estate with things that don’t get used. If you have less stuff you’ll have more space.

Get more storage
Do you have too little storage or Do you have too much stuff?

Our brains solve problems when we give them a specific task.  So try this exercise.  Think: “What can I donate to access or optimize the storage I already have?”  If you removed one thing from each storage space in your home that would add up to quite a bit of open space that you’ve ‘acquired’ for free.

I’ve never seen a home that had nothing they couldn’t donate or trash, including my own.  With housing prices rising everywhere the cost to acquire more space is rising, but you can give yourself more space in your current location without the hassle and cost of moving.

Grab a box and move from room to room looking at your storage areas.  Grab one thing from each space that you no longer need.  I bet you’ll find plenty of things to donate or trash.  Which will give you more space.

Maybe you need to rethink the storage space you do have. Maybe your laundry room is big, but your kitchen pantry is small. It’s ok to store seasonal kitchen items in the laundry room because that’s where you have space. Each house is different and little tweaks can make a big difference.

Read more Micro Declutter One Counter, What Will You REALLY Use? and Make Space for the Things that Are Important to You.

If you want one-on-one help organizing a space, call me at 208.736.3306 for a free consultation.  I’d love to help you on your organizational journey.  Virtual options are also available.