Organizing a Shed

With mild temperatures, now is a great time to work on organizing outdoor spaces like sheds and garages.  Our shed wasn’t too bad but it needed to be tweaked, and we wanted to get some scrap wood organized and out of the elements.  We also wanted to fit all of the kid’s bikes in there for the winter.

We took everything out, swept every corner of the shed.  Wow, there was a lot of dirt in there!  Finally, we put back only what we really use.  We had a lot of random stuff and broken plastic toys and totes that got condensed or thrown out.

It’s so nice now that all the ‘extra’ is gone.  It’s much easier to find things and the doors slide better without all the dirt in the tracks.

What have you organized recently?

If you want one-on-one help organizing a space, call me at 208.736.3306 for a free consultation.  I’d love to help you on your organizational journey.