Outside Storage

As we move into fall’s cooler weather now is a great time to look at your shed, garage, or outside storage.  What’s working?  What’s not working?  Why isn’t it working?  Am I using the vertical space available to me?  What would make this space easier to use?

The answers to these questions will be different for everyone but the principle is the same.  Only save what you need and use the space as efficiently as you can.  If you don’t even know what’s in there, then start by pulling everything out so you can declutter, categorize and refresh your memory about what you have.

If there are children in the home then there’s a good chance that they’ve grown out of something.  Whether it’s toys, clothes, or life jackets, make sure that the things you are storing are things you actually need.

Shed: Before
Shed: Before

This shed had become disorganized and the client didn’t know what exactly was in it.  She wanted everything to be labeled and easily accessible.  There were a lot of half-empty boxes with confiscated toys, so we sorted and consolidated to free up space.  She donated a bunch of stuff, removed the trash.

Shed: After
Shed: After

We hung up the bike to use her vertical space.  We also grouped items based on whose they were.  We had a section for kids, one for roommates, and one for parents.  Now it’s easy for everyone to find what they need quickly and efficiently.

You can read more about outside storage Let’s Talk Garage Storage and Categorizing and Rearranging. If you want one-on-one help organizing a space, call Colleen at 208.736.3306 for a free consultation.  I’d love to help you on your organizational journey.  Virtual options are also available.