Pretty Things Can Become Clutter Too

If we collect and store ‘pretty things’ we may ignore that space while organizing because only ‘nice things’ go in there.  But even nice things & pretty decor can become clutter.

Ask yourself these questions:

Do you use it?

Do you love it?

Does it fit your current style?

Does it fit your current stage in life?

Is there someone or somewhere that could use it better than you currently are?

I see this a lot with flower vases.  Let’s try an experiment. First, guess how many vases you currently have?  Then decide how many you think you need. Finally, pull them all out onto your table or counter and see how many you actually have.

Clients are often shocked at how many they actually have.  Most of us have more vases than we even realize. They’re breeding in our cupboards, I just know it.

I’d love to hear how close or how far off you were in your estimates of how many vases you have in your home in the comments.