Colleen was extremely helpful in organizing my office space. I had put it off for years and never would have attempted it without her. She was so kind and kept me from getting overwhelmed. She made it simple and we had it done in no time. I am so happy with the end result and how easy it will be to maintain in the future.
Colleen gave timely and expert advice when she helped me with my 10-year-old daughter. It was amazing how calm and clear she was as our daughter went through each item individually and separately. She gave our daughter the power to choose within a structure. She is powerful and gentle and that’s a rare combination.
Colleen was amazing. Yes, I thought my house was a disaster and beyond help. Colleen helped me sort, organize and downsize an entire room in a matter of hours. Loved the end results. I still go up and just look at that room just to make sure it is still organized.
I had a lot more stuff than I realized. There's no way I would have been able to do all this work by myself. Colleen did an outstanding and exceptional job. I'm so glad that she was able to help me. I couldn’t have done it without her.
I had Colleen come help my 11 year old organize her bedroom. My daughter is a collector of many things. I've tried getting her let go of things, but it has always been a struggle. Colleen would ask her all the right questions to help her get rid of things that were no longer serving a purpose. My daughter came away from the experience very happy. She said, "my room feels so good!" And she also said she prefers organizing with Colleen over me!
Colleen helped me clean and organize my life when I truly needed it. She taught me the joy of getting rid of the unnecessary things in my life so that I could enjoy the things I loved more. She not only was a great teacher through the process, but she was also a great listener. She listened to what was important to me. She did not presume to know what things were important or what was not.