We’ve completed 3 weeks of online learning. 🤯 I have kids in 8th, 7th, 5th, 2nd, & Kinder. So we have a lot going on over here.
This is what I’ve come up with so far to survive online school:
- Keep necessary supplies close to their workspace. Each kid also has a folder or location for keeping all their papers.
- Have a designated area for each kid (this can be fluid). My older kids have loved working outside on nice days. As long as they get their work done then I’m happy to let them have as much freedom as they want.
We had a child who was watching YouTube videos instead of doing assignments so they lost some privileges and had to be monitored by me. Which for us, meant they had to be in the same room as me while I helped my kindergartner.
- When possible have a device for each kid or a schedule for when each kid gets their turn on a device.
- If a kid starts freaking-out over an assignment we skip it and work on something else. When they refuse to listen to my instructions, I let them turn it in wrong. Sometimes they won’t listen to corrections from me, so I let their teacher do that. ***My goal is to avoid power struggles.***
- Have something to look forward to. At 4 pm we have a snack and then everyone who is finished can watch a movie.
This has helped us stay motivated. It’s not always perfect and the kids all have their frustrations and bad days, but overall it’s getting easier.
***The most important thing to remember is to do what’s best for your child. And work with your teachers to make modifications when necessary.***
What’s been working for you? We can all learn from each other. Also, what have you been struggling with? We can all work together to help each other out.
You’ve got this!