Use It or Lose It

Do you have picture frames, gadgets, or organizing devices, or electronics, or whatever, that you love or ‘totally needed’ when you got them, but it’s still in the wrapping or tucked away in a closet? Well, I’m here to tell you to hang that picture, use that gadget, or item.  Go get that thing that you wanted to try but haven’t and use it.  If, when you go to use that item, it doesn’t fit with your current lifestyle or vision for your space then let it go.

Before & After Office Closet

Buyer’s Remorse Clutter

Often we have what’s known as ‘Buyer’s Remorse Clutter.’  Which are purchases that you don’t use, but keep because you feel you need to ‘use it up.’  I’m sure we all have these types of items in our homes.  For example, expensive clothes that don’t fit or kitchen gadgets we never use.

People always tell me, “I spent good money on that.”  And I totally get that.  It feels like you’re throwing away money if you donate that item.  Sometimes it’s hard to admit to yourself that you made a choice that you now regret.

BUT: It doesn’t somehow go up in value because it sits in your cupboard.  It doesn’t pay you back while it hangs in your closet.  Mostly it reminds you of a choice that you now have negative feelings about.  Who wants to be reminded of that?  Not me!

But I Spent Good Money on It

Sunk Cost

Sunk cost, in economics, is a cost that has already been incurred and that cannot be recovered.  In business, sunk costs are not taken into consideration when deciding whether or not to continue with a project.

In your home, you want to think about the future, not the past.  Do you like this item?  Will you use it?  If the answer is no then donate it or sell it.  You’re not doing yourself any favors by tying up valuable space with something you don’t use.

Thankfully there are many ways to sell unwanted items and recuperate some of the money spent.  But remember that very few items go up in value over time.  Most decrease in value, so it’s better to sell them sooner rather than later.  Give yourself a deadline.  If this hasn’t sold in a week/month (you choose), it goes to the thrift store.

You can read more about changing your mindset by reading Saving Something might be Wasting It, Do you Actually Need That?, But I Spent Good Money on It!, and Make Space for the Things that Are Important to You. If you want one-on-one help organizing a space, call me at 208.736.3306 for a free consultation.  I’d love to help you on your organizational journey.  Virtual options are also available.