What’s on the Floor of Your Closet?

There’s a reason we have the ‘skeletons in the closet’ saying.  You can hide so much stuff in there!  Things can be shoved up high, pushed into corners, and forgotten in those dark places.

Take a moment to look in your closet:

  • Is the stuff on the floor valuable?
  • Can you sell it?
  • Should you take better care of it?
  • Why do you have it?
  • Can you use it?
  • Did you used to use it, but don’t really anymore?
  • Did you take it from your kids and forget about it?
  • Can it be used by someone else?
  • Were you too busy/tired/lazy to put it properly away?
  • How long has it been on the floor?
  • Why has it been left on the floor for so long?

We’ve all done it!  Don’t be embarrassed, take action.  Choose one pile and go through it.  Make decisions and follow through with what you decide needs to be done.

If you don’t even know where to start, call me at 208.736.3306 and we’ll set up a virtual session so I can walk you through the process.  I promise not to tell anyone about your skeletons, because guess what, we all have them.  Comment below about a surprising thing you found?