Winter Clothes

If you live somewhere that has four seasons, like us, you’ve probably started getting out your winter clothes.  Now is a great time to go through what you own and see what you really need.  

Go through everything and decide ahead of time how many of each type of clothing you’ll keep.  If you have kids, remember to check sizes so everything fits and pass on the stuff that’s too small.

Winter Clothes: Before
Winter Clothes: Before

Remember to take into consideration what you and your family actually use.  If no one likes wearing winter hats then donate all the ones you’ve acquired.  My kids are rough and tumble when it comes to their gloves so we only keep good snow gloves and donate lightweight cloth gloves.

Do you love the idea of scarves, but don’t actually wear them?  Maybe you can keep your favorite for the random times you actually want to wear a scarf and donate the rest.  Please tell me I’m not the only one.

 Winter Clothes: After
Winter Clothes: After

What about that coat that you never actually wear?  It’s kind of your back-up, back-up coat.  It doesn’t really look good on you but you keep it just in case.  Yeah, I have one of those too.  Let this be the year you donate your unused winter clothes instead of leaving them to gather dust in the back of your closet.

It doesn’t really matter who gave it to you or how much it cost.  If you don’t wear it then it’s just taking up space.  If on the other hand, it’s a memory item then maybe you should store it in your memory box, so it can stay nice and serve its purpose as a way to remember someone.  

Who’s with me?  I’d love to see your before and after pictures. You can read more about organizing clothes at Having Trouble Deciding What to Give Away?, Kid’s Shoes, and Evaluate your Clothes.

If you want one-on-one help organizing a space, call Colleen at 208.736.3306 for a free consultation.  I’d love to help you on your organizational journey.  Virtual options are also available.