Pantry Tidy

Organizing a pantry is one of those things that need to be done every once in a while.  I try to go through mine once a year or so because we have a lot of people using it.  It also helps us catch any food that has expired.  I tidy small areas throughout the year as they become problems.

Pantry: After
Pantry: After

Full Pantry Organization:

When I do a full organization. I take everything out of the pantry.  That allows me to wipe down shelves and find the random treats kids hide behind other things and then forget about. 🤦‍♀️ What have you found tucked away in the back of your pantry?

It makes a big ‘mess’ to pull it all out, but it helps your brain look for new solutions instead of mimicking old patterns that might not be as efficient as you would like.

Group food by category and place each category back in the pantry based on how often you use it.  Items that are used often should be the easiest to access. And hardly used items should be in harder-to-access locations.

Pantry: Before
Pantry: Before

Small Pantry Tidy:

A small pantry tidy can happen whenever.  For me, it usually happens after I bring home groceries. 😁 If I have to find a way to fit things in, I’m forced to rearrange or straighten things up.  This pantry wasn’t bad, it just needed a refresh. We also added labels to help maintain order. You can read more about organizing a pantry Organizing Baking Supplies, Pantry Refresh, and Creating a Functional Pantry.

If you want one-on-one help organizing a space, call Colleen at 208.736.3306 for a free consultation.  I’d love to help you on your organizational journey.  Virtual options are also available.